
Privacy Policy


This privacy statement explains how Uplifters Academy Pvt. Ltd. collects, uses, and discloses personal data, including sensitive or special data. Information about an individual is known as personal data, which is defined in more detail below. We are dedicated to maintaining your privacy and making sure that using our website, products, and services (collectively, "Products") is a secure experience for you. This policy describes Uplifters Academy's, its connected firms' handling procedures and how we gather and utilise the data you give us while using or accessing our systems via online interfaces (e.g.website, mobile applications etc.).

This policy applies to all uplifters.in subdomains as well as the uplifters website located at https://www.uplifters.in

"Personal Data" is a term used in this privacy statement to refer to any information that can be used to uniquely identify a person. Examples of personal data include name, email address, postal or other physical addresses, job title, and other personally identifiable information. It will be assumed that you have read, comprehended, and accepted to be bound by this policy as described below if you use our services or goods.

Except as clearly specified differently, we will be the processor of the Personal Data submitted, acquired, and/or processed in accordance with this policy.

Relevance of the Policy

  1. This policy will apply to all information we gather via company systems and/or during your use of Uplifters services
  2. Any information obtained by a third party utilising Company Systems, through links on the Company Systems, through any advertisements, or through BOTS is not covered by this policy, nor does Uplifters assume any liability for such information

Information That We Gather

We will only gather data that you voluntarily provide to us. You have the option to decide what data you want to give us. Only if you choose to share it through the company systems will we acquire your information. The following details about you or your usage of the company's systems will be gathered by us

  1. Any personal information (PII) that you provide or may be required to provide in order to register with and continue using the Company Systems or to access Uplifters' services
  2. Your name, position, gender, date of birth, email address, phone number (home, work, or mobile), profile or display picture, login name, screen name, nickname, or handle, country, state, or city of residence, postal or other physical address, names of the school(s) or university(s) you attended (including grades and graduation year), names of the places you worked, job position or designation (including salary), resume/CV, and information from social media profiles, such as Facebook
  3. Any other information you decide to give us, including information needed to update your account and profile, as well as information needed to complete surveys, write articles about the Company Systems, or use other services of the Company Systems, or to fill out forms.

The following activities connected to our products include the collection and/or processing of your Personal Data

  1. Opening an account, using specific Product features, designing or taking tests, and generating reports using data obtained from the use of our Products.
  2. Participating in an online poll, registering for an event, requesting service and support for our products, and giving such service and support.
  3. Subscribing to newsletters and personalising the content you view based on relevance.

If Uplifters does not directly request it as part of the registration process or another related process, do not enter any personal information, personally identifiable information, or sensitive personal information. Uplifter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to delete any information you have submitted or uploaded if it is determined that doing so would violate the terms of this policy.

Additionally, we might occasionally combine information about your account with data we've obtained about you from your partners in business, associated businesses, and other third parties. For instance, if you access or log into our company systems through a third-party service like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, we may receive your registration information and updated information and combine it with information we gather through our company systems or add it to the information associated with your account on our company systems.

The handling of your personal data

Your Personal Data will only be used by us in compliance with this policy. We must process your personal data for a variety of reasons in order to carry out the terms of our agreement with you regarding the services you have requested, including the following:

  • Registering an account.
  • utilising our website.
  • Developing or using online examinations.
  • creating reports using data gathered from the usage of our products.
  • requesting and offering service and support for our products.
  • hackathon registration.
  • taking part in forums or discussion groups.
  • adjusting what you see based on relevance.
  • pointing to employment options that match your profile.

We use personal data for things like:

  1. generating reports using data gathered from customers' use of our products.
  2. Keeping you informed of new product launches, software upgrades, system improvements, special deals, and other information.
  3. delivering help and support for our products.
  4. enabling the creation of a personal profile.
  5. enabling us to get in touch with you if necessary.
  6. provide support and comments to customers.
  7. the provision and management of opt-in events and other marketing or advertising campaigns on Uplifters.
  8. being able to conduct surveys and questionnaires to give you better goods and services
  9. supporting questions about employment.
  10. responding to your request for particular information about goods and services that may be of interest to you by customising marketing communications and website content depending on your choices.
  11. fulfilling a legal or contractual commitment

Employers may read your anonymized profile and get in touch with you about suitable employment openings. We give them a way to get in touch with you if there's a suitable job opening. We only provide your personally identifiable information (PII) to employers with your express permission or when you respond to a conversation. Please write us an email at info@uplifters.in if you want to opt-out of this functionality.

Additionally, we may process your personal information when it is in our best interests to do so, such as when we need legal counsel in connection with an ongoing or potential legal matter, to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights


When you register and create your account on our Company Systems, Uplifters is regarded to have received your consent to receive personal data at your own discretion. Please be aware that if some options, offers, or services require Personal Data from you but you have not provided it, you might not be able to access them. You can sign up to receive our emails or newsletters, and by doing so, you are giving us your approval to do so. If you would like to stop receiving this information, you can change your settings by emailinginfo@uplifters.in or by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of such emails

What do we do with your data?

Your Personal Data will only be used by Uplifters in compliance with this policy. You can request the deactivation of your account from the account settings if you do not want us to use your Personal Data in this way going forward.

We will only process your Personal Data if we have a legal basis to do so. These legal grounds include, but are not limited to: your consent; contractual necessity (i.e. processing required to carry out a contract with you, such as your user agreement with us that enables us to provide you with the Products); and our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others (e.g., our users), such as:

  1. Offer you the websites and services, as well as any help you might need.
  2. Answer your questions or carry out your requests.
  3. Identify technical issues with the website and services.
  4. Send you information we think you'll find interesting, like service.
  5. bulletins, instructional resources, event details, and announcements.
  6. Send you administrative information, such as service-related notices or changes to the company's policies.
  7. To improve and optimise the Websites and Services, you must be aware of how they are being utilised.
  8. Investigate and take action to stop fraudulent or unlawful activities.
  9. as explained to you at the time the information was collected.
  10. observing our legal commitments, resolving user conflicts, and upholding our agreements.
  11. safeguarding, looking into, and preventing dishonest, damaging, unauthorised, or illegal conduct.

Your Rights:

As stated below, you have a number of rights regarding your personal data.

  1. Access: You can inquire about the Personal Data we have on file for you.Obtaining a copy of the Personal Data is another option.
  2. Correction: You have the right to request that we update or complete any Personal Data that we hold about you that you believe to be inaccurate or incomplete. After logging onto Uplifters, you can change some of this information directly through your user profile or profile/account settings. If you find any errors or gaps, please let us know as soon as you can.
  3. If you object to the collection or use of your Personal Data for a particular purpose, you can contact us to let us know.
  4. Erasure: You have the option of asking us to remove all of your Personal Data from our records. While this will be done right away, residual data might be saved in some logs, and this will be deleted a year after your data has been deleted. You won't have a uplifters account after your data has been removed.
  5. Restrictions: You can always ask us to stop using your uplifters account in order to stop us from using your Personal Data any longer.
  6. The right to request a copy of your personal data in a machine-readable format is known as portability.
  7. Withdrawal of consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time if we are processing your Personal Data with it (as stated at the time the data was collected). Please be aware, however, that in the event that you exercise this right, you might then be required to expressly consent, on a case-by-case basis, to the use or disclosure of some or all of your Personal Data. This is the case if such use or disclosure is required in order for you to use some or all of our Products.


As long as you have an active account on the company systems, your data is kept with uplifters. You have the right to ask us to remove all or a portion of your Personal Data from our databases. While this will be carried out within thirty (30)days of the request, residual data may be stored in some logs, and this will be deleted one year after your data has been deleted. You won't have a user account with uplifters after your data has been removed.

Gathering of passive data

When you use one of our products, Uplifters may automatically collect some information about you using techniques like cookies and other tracking technologies. Cookies, page views, geolocation data, IP addresses, browser and operating system types, Internet service providers, files viewed and downloaded from our websites, referral and exit pages, and click stream data are among the types of information that are automatically gathered. Such information has no expiration date, and we do not discard it. In the form of logs or in third-party tracking and analytics programmes like Google Analytics, Linkedin Insights, etc., this data is kept.

We Employ Cookies

  1. Cookies assist Uplifters in processing and remembering the goods in your shopping cart. They also assist us in better understanding your preferences based on past or present site activity, allowing us to provide you better services. In order to provide better site experiences and tools in the future, we also employ cookies to aid in the collection of aggregate data on site traffic and user activity. Additionally, we may use cookies or other tracking technologies to evaluate trends, follow users' online activities, and compile data about our user base, like IP address-based location data. You have the option to either turn off all cookies or have your computer alert you each time one is sent. You can do this by adjusting the settings on your browser (like Internet Explorer). Because every browser is a little bit different, check the Help menu in your browser to find out how to alter cookies the right way.
  2. Some functions will not function if cookies are disabled. Although some of our services won't work as intended, it won't have an impact on how users interact with your site, which will make it more effective.
  3. Visitors' and machine-related data may be gathered by uplifters. Cookies, IPad addresses, pageview activity, and geolocation data are examples of this information. Information about user behaviour on our website, such as the number of visits, time spent there, and pages clicked, is also gathered.

Who we might reveal your personal data to General:

In order to operate and manage the Company Systems, process data, or store data, Uplifters may share the information you give on the Company Systems to its employees, agents, representatives, consultants, subsidiaries, affiliates, and third-party providers.

Hiring Partners: With your permission, we may share your information with our hiring partners. To help users receive job offers, we provide resumes, phone numbers, email addresses, and other pertinent information to our employment partners.

Events of Reorganization: If Uplifters ever experiences any reorganizational events, such as a merger, acquisition, insolvency, or bankruptcy. Subject to notification to You on the transfer of Your information, Uplifters may sell, transfer, or share some or all of our assets, including your information.

Relevant Laws: Uplifters will abide by all governmental, law enforcement, judicial, or regulatory authorities' demands and directives that it reasonably believes to be in compliance with all applicable laws. In order to comply, Uplifters may be required to provide any personally identifiable information that was provided by you or collected in connection with your use of the Company Systems or its services to governmental, law enforcement, courts, or regulatory agencies. You authorise Uplifters to disclose information as described in this Section hereof to governmental, law enforcement, courts, or regulatory agencies by utilising the Company Systems and using Uplifters services.

Without your express permission, Uplifters will never publish, sell, or rent Your personal information to third parties for their marketing needs.

Data Protection

Your provided information will be kept safe and secure and is subject to dissemination in accordance with this policy. Your information must be safeguarded against unauthorised access, use, or disclosure to the degree that is commercially reasonable. Our databases and data are kept on safe servers protected by suitable firewalls.

Additionally, we annually scan to PCI requirements and vulnerability standards, and we regularly check our company systems for malware. Additionally, all data being transferred is encrypted using an SSL certificate.Data security is your obligation as a user of the Company Systems. You are not permitted to reveal to anybody your username or password for using the Company Systems, along with any other authentication parameters that have been provided to you. You agree that usage of your username or other authentication parameters will result in your sole responsibility for any actions.

Given the nature of online transactions, Uplifters disclaims any liability for the transmission of any information that has been acquired from you or that has been generated as a result of your use of the systems or services provided by the company. Any online communication of this type of information is done at your own risk. Uplifters disclaims all liability in the event that you or any other party manages to go beyond the Company Systems' privacy settings or security precautions.

Despite anything to the contrary, Uplifters makes no representations or warranties that the security measures are sufficient, safe, foolproof, or impenetrable, even though it will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that any information collected from you or generated by your use of the Company Systems or the services is safe and secure.

Including Linked Websites and Other Websites in the Integration

For your convenience only, external or third-party websites may be linked to. Links from our website to external websites do not imply that Uplifters approves of their content or assumes any liability associated with their use. Uplifters makes no claims about the calibre, security, suitability, or dependability of any external websites or any of the information or materials found there. You should take the essential safety precautions, especially to guarantee that you are protected against viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other potentially harmful objects.

Networks of third-party ads

Based on your visits to both our site and other websites, our website may use third-party network advertisers to display adverts about our products on other websites. By showing adverts for our Products that could be of interest to you, this enables us and these third parties to target advertisements.Cookies, JavaScript, and other technologies may be used by third-party network advertisers' services to personalise and enhance their adverts for you.

The privacy policies of each individual third party, not this one, apply to these third-party cookies and other technologies. We might give these third-party advertisers anonymized and compiled data on how you use our website and products, but we won't give them access to your Personal Data. You also have the choice to prevent such outside ad networks from accessing your data.

Unidentified Information

Regardless of anything in this policy to the contrary, Uplifters academy is permitted to use any information given to Uplifters in connection with or as part of the services in order to provide services to its other clients and to develop and create reports, statistical analyses, and benchmarking analyses for its clients, so long as such reports only contain anonymous, aggregated data and do not contain any information that could be used to identify you specifically.

Age Limit

Unless you are being represented by a parent or legal guardian, you formally acknowledge that you are at least 18 years old. You must not give Uplifters any information directly or through the use of the company systems if you are under the legal age limit. If Uplifters finds that it has any information about a person under the age of 18 that has been submitted, collected, or generated in violation of the rules of this Policy, it will delete it without giving the person concerned any notice.


We advise that you frequently examine this policy each time you visit our website since it may occasionally be amended.


Please email info@uplifters.in if you have any complaints or questions about our policy, how we collect or store your information, or anything else involving the personal information you have given us. We shall make every effort within our reasonable means to attend to and resolve your complaint within 30 days of the date it was received.


You can get in touch with us at info@uplifters.in if you have any queries about our policy, your interactions with us, or our services in general.This policy should be read in combination with any other contracts you may have with Uplifters as well as the ToS that uplifters has made available on its website. You expressly agree that uplifters may use and disclose your personal information in line with this policy by accepting the policy.